Category: Art 7X

  • Spatial fine art for extraterrestrials

    Careful planning and consideration of key factors are essential to create a successful business model for trading spatial fine art with extraterrestrials. Steps to establish a thriving business include conducting market research to understand demand, establishing partnerships with experienced entities, developing a pricing strategy, creating a strong brand identity and marketing plan, determining payment methods,…

  • A mode called “soft fascination”

    Soft fascination” is a term used to describe the state of mind that occurs when we are exposed to natural environments that are both interesting and calming. In this state, our brains are able to relax and focus, without becoming overwhelmed or bored. This concept suggests that nature has a unique ability to capture and…

  • An Eclectic Symphony of Thoughts and Emotions

    This installation is a mesmerizing blend of vibrant colors and ethereal sculptures. The focal point, a large painting depicting an otherworldly creature with a single eye, draws viewers into a mystical realm. The presence of three antique metal sculptures enhances the unexpected nature of the universe portrayed. The juxtaposition between the bold, vivid painting and…

  • V7: A Futuristic Journey into the Intersection of Art and Technology

    The collection that is being created is made up of both traditional paintings on canvas, drawings on paper, sculptures, and digital imagery, which happens to include actual artifacts as well. Even digital art created by humans is incomprehensible to digital artificial intelligence if it contains elements of human emotions. Art with traditional means of creation is…